Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Conclusion...

I started this blog wanting to know whether Marijuana or Vicodin was the better choice for pain. When I began my research I thought that I would end this blog with a clear winner but as you can see that is not the case. Though Marijuana and Vicodin are classified as two different levels of substances, they are both just as dangerous and as helpful. Both of them have the ability to relieve pain and both have side effects. The two major side effects I was concerned with was long term organ failure and addiction issue. The reason for this is because of how often my sister and I have to take pain relievers. If you look back at my blog Side Effects and More Questions… you can see that there is a dramatic difference in the side effects.
               Vicodin has the potential to effect the Central Nervous System, Gastrointestinal System, Genitourinary System, Respiratory System, Special Senses, and the Dermatological System. The only sources for Marijuana side effects I could find were for smoking joints; though that does not mean taking the eatable version does not come with side effects. The side effects I did find for Marjuana were respiratory infections and potential for an increase of mental health diseases.
               Then I looked back at my research in Definitions, Classifications, and Addictions. My sources showed that only nine percent of the people that use Marrijuana become addicted. The source for Vicodin addictions stated that there was an estimated two million people in the United States alone that are currently addicted to Vicodin.

               In conclusion, after reading over all my sources again and comparing them it is my belief that the better choice for a log term pain relievers is Marijuana. It does not harm the body as much as Vicodin and because it is a Natural drug it can be grown by its user making it easier for people to access. Though the access to it may be bad for pharmaceutical companies that produce Opioids, pain relievers, it is better for people who cannot afford to buy a prescription every two to three weeks. Though I have finally picked a side I am still curious about of few things. Why is Marijuana still listed as a schedule one substance when thousands of people can contest to how well it works without being addicted? Why is Vicodin listed as a substance that has a low potential for abuse or addiction when research shows that there is approximately two million addicts in the United States? Why is most of the current research regarding Marijuana focused on the bad side of the drug?

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